Life Groups and Discipleship

The best way to meet others, grow spiritually, and experience the best of FBCIT is to attend a Life Group. Our Life Groups meet every week for Bible Study, fellowship, and prayer. No matter your age and whether you are single, engaged, or married, we have a Life Group for you! We call them "Life Groups" because we do life together! In a Life Group you can study God's Word, make friends, and live out faith in an authentic way. Life Groups make it easier for you to find people you connect with, people who share your interests, who can relate to your struggles and who share in your accomplishments; people you can call family. We know that when you get together with people and have fun, you'll begin to grow into a strong community that serves and grows together.

Life Group Classes

Each group has its own personality. We encourage you to visit several before you join one. All groups are encouraged to have a weekly Bible study, monthly fellowship, quarterly mission project in the community, and to show intentional care to its ministry all year.

Once you connect with a Life Group, not only could your spiritual life take off to new heights, but you may begin looking for ways to serve others through ministry projects. You will then seek out others who need what you have experienced and invite them.  This comes full circle by loving and leading everyone you meet into an everyday walk with Christ.

On your first Sunday, stop by the Welcome Center and speak with one of our helpful greeters. They will gladly identify a Life Group for you and personally accompany you to the room.

IT University

The Art of Parenting

Wednesdays | 6:30pm

Room F-102 | Led by Forrest Kenley

Make faith the core of your parenting with intentional, biblical teaching and Christ-centered plans. End the experience with renewed confidence, fresh insights on raising children at different ages, and a parenting plan unique to each child’s personality and gifting. Inspired by Psalm 127:4, this 8-session small group study is video-based from Family Life’s feature film Like Arrows and covers various topics.

Online registration is required. Limited to 32 participants. Cost is $15 for the workbook. (one per person)


Financial Peace University

Wednesdays | 6:30pm

Room F-101 | Led by Emmanuel Jourdan

Are you a slave to debt? Maybe you just want to be a better steward of what the Lord has blessed you with. Over 9 weeks, you will learn how to: pay off debt once and for all, invest wisely for your future, give with outrageous generosity and live out what the Bible says about money.

Online registration is required. Limited to 20 participants. Cost is $50 for the workbooks. (One per family)


Ten Men of the Bible: How God Used Imperfect People to Change the World

Wednesdays | 6:30pm

Room B-415 | Led by Adam Holleman

The men of the Bible are not depicted there because they were perfect, but to highlight their faithfulness to God. This class will focus on the stories of some of these scriptural characters, pointing out key decisions they made and the good or bad consequences that resulted.

Online registration is required. Limited to 24 participants. Cost is $15 per person, which includes study guide.


The Art of Marriage

Wednesdays | 6:30pm

Room A-102 | Led by Jimmy & Susan Flowe

Your marriage. God’s masterpiece. Every marriage has its strengths and stresses. There’s not one that can’t be improved, fine-tuned, strengthened, or over hauled if needed. In this 6-session series made in partnership with Family Life, discover a transformative marriage resource designed to help you explore new levels of intimacy, communication, and connection with your spouse. Whether you are newlyweds or have been married for decades, this series can be your path to a stronger, more beautiful masterpiece of God’s handiwork.

Online registration is required. Limited to 32 participants. Cost is $35 for the workbooks. (One per couple)


Path to Discipleship

Wednesdays | 6:30pm

Room F-104 | Led by Rodney Young

Are you ready to embark on an inspiring journey of faith and mentorship? Join us for this transformative training course designed to equip you with essential tools to guide new Christian believers. This course lays a solid foundation for mentoring, and helping new believers grow into healthy, mature disciples. Upon completion, you’ll be empowered to connect with new believers and train them to become trainers, fostering a ripple effect of faith and growth. Be a part of this incredible journey and make a lasting impact in the lives of new Christian believers. Let’s build a strong, thriving community of faith together.

Online registration is required. No cost. Limited to 32 participants.


1, 2, 3 John - Know God Deeply. Live Differently.

Wednesdays | 6:30pm | Women only

Room F-103 | Led by Joy Joiner

Journey through the scriptures with the Apostle John, an eyewitness to the life of Jesus Christ. He walked with Jesus on earth so it’s no wonder he steps up to the plate when deceivers try to weave a story to lead believers away from the truth. We will explore questions like: “How do you know if you’re really born again?” “What does it mean to be holy?”  “What does it mean to love God?” “How do you know the truth?” “How do you stay confident in the truth you have learned and loved?” Find answers to these and other questions as we take an in-depth look at several fundamentals of Christian beliefs. Class meets weekly through 3/19/25.

Registration is now closed.


The Gospel on the Ground: The Gift & Glory of the Early Church in Acts

Tuesdays | 9:30am & 6:30pm | Women only

Children's Theater | Led by AM: Leslie Reynolds & Kristi Layden, PM: Janice Williams & Kristi Layden

Come along with biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland as she unpacks the life of the early church in the book of Acts, showing us that the kingdom of God is always on the move, always looking outward to bring meaning and joy to a world searching for true fulfillment and hope. Explore the call of Jesus to His disciples then and to us today. See how God’s Word can sustain us, even in the most difficult times, and embrace the transformative grace we experience as children of God in His kingdom of celebration.

Online registration is required. Cost for book is $25.‍


The Return of Christ

Tuesdays | 6:30pm

Sossamon Chapel | Led by Wally Gilmer

A verse-by-verse study of I & II Thessalonians. Every chapter has something to do with the return of Christ. We will look at the balanced approach Paul takes with the prophetical and practical aspects of His coming. The second coming should not just be a doctrine. Instead, it should be a dynamic reality that drives your life.

Join anytime. Registration is not required. No cost.


Foundations of Christian Belief

Wednesdays | 6:30pm

Room B-411 | Led by Eric Gustafson & Allan DiDonato

Deepen your understanding of core Christian doctrines. Explore reasons to believe in God’s existence, the Bible’s inerrancy, and Jesus’ resurrection. Strengthen your faith and learn to confidently and respectfully share your beliefs with others, guided by 1 Peter 3:15.

Join anytime. Registration is not required. No cost.


Midweek Worship Service

Wednesdays | 6:30pm

Room B-207 | Led by Danny McDowell

A time of worship, prayer and Bible Study.

Children's programming available.


Come, Let Us Reason

Wednesdays | 6:30pm

Room B-208 | Led by Steve Noriega

Dive into a verse-by-verse analysis of the books of the Bible for a better biblical understanding. Questions are always welcome. Come, let us reason together.

Children's programming available at no cost.


Thursday Worship Nights

Thursdays | 7pm

Children's Theater | Led by Brad Couick

Be part of our Thursday Worship Nights! Enjoy good food, community, worship, and teaching. Open to young adults, aged 18 through 29.

Join anytime. Registration is not required. No cost.


Movie Night

Thursday, July 22, 7pm

In the Lot

Ladies, enjoy a fun evening with other ladies featuring “Mom’s Night Out!" Bring your own lawn chair and make yourself comfy. Concessions available with minimal cost beginning at 7pm in the WPAC. There is no cost to attend the event, but we do ask that you register.


Tuesday Evening Bible Study:
Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer

Tuesdays through August 3, 6:30 - 8pm

Kidz Theater

Discover the root to clear and daily communication with God - humble obedience.  Learn how surrender unlocks His many blessings intended for us, centers us in His will and helps us discern His voice in everyday life.  Study led by Kristi Layden.

Cost $20.  Childcare will not be available for the evening study.  Event dates: June 15, 22, 29; July 6, 20, 27; August 3.


G2 Mentoring Ministry Coffee Connection

Sunday, August 22, 2pm

Sossamon Chapel

Are you new to FBCIT and looking for a way to meet new people and get connected? Or have you been a member and are looking for a way to get involved in a Bible study or have more accountability in your spiritual growth?

Getting involved in G2 could be just what you are looking for! G2, which stands for "Generation to Generation," is a women's multi-generational ministry that centers around Bible study. Women are paired, one-on-one, for a 14-week session of Bible study, praying together and investing in one another's lives. It's a great way to pour over the Scriptures, pour into each other's lives and strengthen your walk with Jesus.

It all starts by coming to our Coffee Connection, which is a great time of fellowship and provides you with all the details about G2. Join us on August 22 and check out how you can be involved in this dynamic ministry! It might be just what you need in your journey with Christ!


Still have questions or need more information?

Contact us anytime!

Betsy Kalman

Ministry Assistant