
Kidz Choir

Sundays | 5pm-6pm

Choir Room

Rising K-5th graders are invited to come and join in the singing fun as the worship department officially launches a new year of Kidz Choir! For more information, contact Sarah Taylor.

Our goal is to lead others into a lifestyle of worshipping Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth. We praise God for all He has done and continues to do. We worship God for who He is. We have the awesome privilege of sharing the greatest message: the life changing power of the Gospel.

We express our worship through various ways at FBCIT. Whether preschool, children, student, adult, vocal, or instrumental, there is a place for you to use your gift in ministry as we love and lead all we meet
into an everyday walk with Christ.

Indian Trail Choir & Orchestra

A Dynamic Ministry Family

If you have a passion for worship and a desire to lead in praise, join the Indian Trail Choir and Orchestra! As an Indian Trail Choir & Orchestra member, you will enjoy one of the most dynamic ministries of FBCIT. You will also experience the warmth of a worship family to walk through the various seasons of life with. We seek all those with a heart for worship to come alongside us as we partner together in ministry.


Wednesdays, 6:30pm 8pm

Rehearsals are more than simply learning notes and rhythms. They are an energetic, midweek time of worship and praise as we prepare spiritually and musically. Our welcome center for new visitors to the choir and orchestra opens weekly at 6 p.m. Come by, pick up information, enjoy a rehearsal experience, and see if the Indian Trail Choir & Orchestra is where God is leading you! Childcare is available in the children’s building.



Join or lead a team to minister in our community. Show the love of Jesus by delivering treats, working on a project, or just visiting.

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Next Generation Choirs


Coming Soon!

We were made to praise. An ongoing lifelong, lifestyle of worship begins as a child. By joining one of our children’s choirs, we are ensuring future generations of worshippers. We have the right place for your child to experience the joy of praising the Lord.

Ages 3 (by September 1) Kindergarten

1st 5th Grades


Coming Soon!

Students grades 7 12 are invited to participate in the exciting Indian Trail Student Choir where a variety of gifts are used to lead others in Biblical worship. No prior experience is required or needed, just a willing heart. This loving community of students participates in Indian Trail Christmas in the fall, a mission tour in July and throughout the year joins in multigeneration days to lead our congregation in worship. If you want to be involved in a life-changing, kingdom-impacting ministry that reaches our community, state, nation, and world, then the Indian Trail Student Choir is the place for you!

Worship Albums

CD's are available for purchase at Media Sales each Sunday or by contacting the music office. Carols of Christmas Vol. 2 can be purchased online by clicking the link below.

Worship Videos

Academy of Performing Arts

Coming Soon! FBCIT believes in the power of the arts and wants to encourage our church family and community to develop skill, passion, and love of the arts. From a variety of musical instruction in the areas of instruments, voice, fine art, and dance, the Indian Trail Academy of Performing Arts is a Christian environment that is a safe and an excellent environment to deepen your skill or simply pick up a new one.
Semester based schedules with recitals make the Academy of Performing Arts a great place for families to seek private instruction. Named after our first Minister of Music, Rev. Sammy Thomas, in honor of his 40th staff anniversary, the program continues that which he put in place all those years ago. Simply, a heart motivated to please God and excellence in musicianship.

Stay tuned for details on how you can be a part of this exciting development
in the Music & Worship Ministry!

Visit the academy

Still have questions or need more information?

Contact us anytime!

Trey Ivey

Music Director

Payton Altman

Associate Music Director

Chris Knight

Creative Worship Associate

Joey Nicholson

Media Director

Rebecca Burke

Worship Associate

Jason Hobbs

Media Production Director

Alan Conner

Broadcast Director

Sarah Taylor

Ministry Assistant